A Lok Nayak Sher-e-Rajasthan Shri Jai Narain Vyas inspired us to think about women empowerment through education. Establishment of Mahila Mahavidyalaya in 1987 with a mere enrolment of 41 students in Arts and Commerce faculties. It was the past. At present it is a PG Mahavidyalaya with a strength of 3200 students.There, students are groomed to excellence not only in academics but also for co-curricular activities which improve the way of their thought and attitude, thus preparing them for a bright future life. Professional courses like BCA and BBA empower the students to face professional life successfully.The credit for this achievement goes to able teachers who groom the students and the Principal and the Vice Principal of our college who inspire the teachers and students both alike. I wish that the college steadily moves towards quality education and quality infrastructure. Prof. S. P. Vyas
By the grace of God Mahila PG Mahavidyalaya was established in 1987. It has completed glorious 25 years of educational excellence.The institution imparts education to girl candidate in Arts, Commerce and Science and also professional courses like BBA and BCA college. PG classes in all the faculties. It is equipped with modern Laboratories in Chemistry, Bio-technology Botany, Physics and Zoology and Computer Science. Students are encouraged to learn basics as well as deep knowledge of the subjects. Teachers moniter their progress. Records of the students are maintained and kept ready for the guidance of the teachers.In all it is an institution dedicated to the all round development and education of the students.It is a model college. Various extra-curricular activities are held during a session National Service Scheme is the most important activity held every year. Indoor games competitions, dance competition, singing competition, inter college general knowledge competition are some very special activities held here. Lucrative prizes are given to the winners and runners. We also care for the good health of our students. Doctors examine them from time to time. Blood samples are taken and students are told about their blood groups. Students coming from economically weak back ground are given freeships and scholarship and they can able avail Book-bank facility. These are some of the activities held in the college in an academic year. It is a prospering institution devoted to the cause and welfare of women in general. The infrastructure of our college is highly modern. The BCA class room has fifty computers. All our labs are equipped with modern equipments. Our college has a well equipped conference hall. It has microphones for all the participants. It is sound proof and air conditioned. In all it is decent girls college working for the betterment of women folks and we truely believe in fullfilling our motto - Shri K.K. Vyas
Mahila P.G. Mahavidyalaya was established in 1987 . It has completed glorious 25 years of education excellence. It is a model collage. Various extra-curricular activities are held during a session National Service Scheme is the most important activity held every year. Indoor games competitions, dance competition, singing competition, inter general knowledge competition are same very special activities held here. Lucrative prizes are given to the winner and runners. We also care for the good health of our student. Doctors examine them from time to time. Blood samples are taken and students are told about their blood groups. Students coming from economically weak back ground are given freeships and scholarship and they can avail Book-bank facility. These are some of the activities held in the collage in an academic year. It is a prospering institution devoted to the cause and welfare of woman in general. The infrastructure of our collage is highly modern. The BCA class room has fifty Computers. All our labs are equipped with modern equipment. Our collage has a well equipped conference hall. It has microphones for all the participants. It is sound proof and air conditioned. In all it is decent girls collage working for the betterment of woman folks and we truly believe in fulfilling our motto- Dr. Manorama Upadhyaya |